Wednesday, November 14, 2007

go to girl

So most days, it's me doing the calling, begging, nudging , cajoling and outright pestering to other people to do things for me. So it's actually kind of nice when people call me and ask for help. It means they see me and the museum as a resource for their work. And this has happened a bit recently. Starting in January, I will be leading a bi-monthly book club at La Divina Gelateria, with all the books somehow dealing with food. I got to choose the first book: The Omnivore's Dilemma. I know, I know, everybody has already read that. It's so last year. Whatever. I haven't read it and since I am leading the discussion, it will make me read it. Also, the issues it raises have not gone away since it has come out in paperback. And it will be a nice break from all the Louisiana and Southern food book reading I have been doing in preparation for the opening exhibits.
I have also been approached by a group at UNO and a PR organization in Memphis to come speak to them about my work. Of course, now I have to plan the speeches....hmmm. Anyway, it's nice to be pursued once in a while.

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