Saturday, December 22, 2007

lady marmalade

I just made meyer lemon marmalade which I am now relabelling on the christmas bag as "meyer lemon sauce"because it took forever to gel and in doing so all the sugar caramellized and turned dark copper and it's pretty and also caramelly and very very tart and not sweet like marmalade at all. I followed the recipe, well sort of, I quadrupled it but it took so long to cook, it only made triple the number of jars. I asked my neighbor to come taste and she loves it and said it would be amazing on chicken or pork and lord knows i have enough lemons left over on the tree to make something more sweet. Liz will love this stuff.

I am not talking about the museum because it is Christmas, and I am sticky and tired and need to go to sleep and will post my new chocolate chip, cranberry, crystallized ginger oatmeal cookie recipe later when I do not have to go wrap cd's. this canning business was very zen. especially when the chopping, juicing and slicing are done while watching Murder on the Orient Express and Mary Poppins. i spent almost a whole day not thinking about or doing any work for the museum. weird. and probably healthy. Ho Ho Ho. Am off to wrap.

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